Dedicated to the Provider of Unseen Assistance

EXPERIENCER’S GUIDE TO THE NEW WORLD is a call to action! An Experiencer is a person who has had one or more experiences that cannot happen within our current paradigm of reality, yet did.
Starseeds, Lightworkers, Experiencers, and Messengers, Healers, Psychics, Dreamers, and Clairvoyants, Hybrids, Indigo Children, Spiritual Masters, Energy Workers and more…
Most of us are not from here. Our Preparation in previous lifetimes readied us for this time.
Now it’s time to prepare for our next big step: leadership! The New Message of Love, included here, is humanity’s preparation for joining with the Others not from earth.
“THE NEW MESSAGE OF LOVE” is newly available combining all three books,
with an Introduction relevant for those of all faiths or no faith. The New Message of Love will prepare you to act with confidence rather than fear. It provides guidance for daily decisions, energy connection with those with positive intent; energy protection from those who would harm; and direction for life choices. This latest edition includes the original 3 volumes, Invitation to Love, Journey to Love and The Healing Journey.

The New Message of Love has been received, prepared, and published in order that Humanity may safely navigate the rapid changes and challenges of the New World.
The New Message of Love is for people of all faiths, or none.
It is the next step in human spiritual understanding and evolution.
This intervention comes to Humanity as it faces instability, confusion, and disruption. The skills learned here are relevant to each person.